Tuesday, January 22, 2008

We eat a lot...

The kids and I made hamburger buns, hot dog buns, rolls, and five loaves of bread (and Eli, Scout, and Riley made their own creations with cinnamon chips), and the above will last us about six days. The good news is, it cost at most five dollars to make it all! How you ask? Grind your own wheat, and buy in bulk so you can get things wholesale.


Anonymous said...

man, that looks good. save me one of those cinnamon bread loaves!

Carole Turner said...

ALL of that looks so good!! Can you send me some recipes?

Anonymous said...

Any tips on making it taste light and fluffy like store bought bread? I have tried, without success, to make bread and my jaw gets tired chewing. So, how are your buns? Hot dog and hamburger that is.

Derek Monjure said...

My mercy!! Donna- you are Susie Homemaker!! You need to write a book or something explaining to us un-organized folks how it can be done with a quiver full of children! :o) The bread looks divine, and yes, please give us some tips on how to make it light and fluffy!
Christy in Atlanta

Javier Ayala said...

I was so excited when I received your Chrismas letter w/ a picture of the beautiful family. Then my we missplaced the letter that was inside w/ the contact info. and I was so upset but after going thru all of our tax papers finally found it and it made my day!! I would love to give you all a call and would love to say hi!

Donna said...

Javier! Heeeeeey! It is soooo good to hear from you! I'm dying to hear what you're up to. Please do call us any time!
