Tuesday, July 1, 2008

A Present-Day Hero

I want to dedicate this post to a present-day Hero of mine, named Zandra.

Six years ago she decided to give our son, Elijah Thomas, life instead of killing him in her womb. Two and a half years later she made the same decision with our daughter, Riley Alexandra (middle name in honor of her).

Zandra wasn't blessed with the greatest of parents - in fact, she had a very rough life growing up. She started living on the streets in her teens and survived by numbing the pain with drugs and supporting her habit with prostitution.

Fast forward to June of 2002. When Eli arrived in our home as our foster child, I fell madly in love with him immediately. I felt incredibly honored and blessed to have him, but at the same time I felt a lot of sorrow for Zandra. I thought of how much her heart must ache to have this precious baby taken from her arms. That hour I decided that I would pray for Zandra frequently, and also seek her out and let her know that I loved her and that she did an amazing thing. I eventually did track her down and maintained frequent contact with her through a few dinners and phone calls.

September of 2007 Zandra gets arrested and is sentenced to four months in jail. We find out she's pregnant. We maintain contact with her while she's in jail.

December she gets released from jail. What now? Well, she did thee most incredible thing. She moved in with the father of her baby - which is way across town from her old stomping grounds - and she's never looked back. She hasn't touched drugs since September 2007 and she's raising the most beautiful little boy, Zechariah, and doing a fantastic job.

I think about Zandra a lot as I watch Eli and Riley grow up. I just have this deep, deep gratefulness and love towards her, and we're soooo glad she's in our lives now. We talk on the phone and receive notes from her, and she even sent Eli a birthday present this year.

Zandra, you are strong, courageous, brave, resilient, smart, witty, bold, loving, and just AMAZING to me, and I am so proud of you, and grateful to God that He allowed ME, of all people, to raise the babies YOU CHOSE LIFE FOR. You are my hero. The world will never be the same with Eli and Riley in it, because they are going to do mighty things for God. We love you!

Footnote: I did ask Zandra for permission to share her past on our blog and she said she was okay with it.


JC said...

I agree 100% with Donna. Zandra has been an inspiration. Zandra, I am proud to get to know you. Thank you for honoring the gift of life.

Carole Turner said...

Very good. I cried. May God continue what He started in Zandra. His love can get us through anything.

rg said...

We are also very thankful for two young ladies in our life who chose life for their sons so we could be parents. I pray God will bless Zandra in ways she can't even imagine. Ephesians 3:20

Anonymous said...


God Bless you. I prayed for you to accept the power God has given you to turn your life to a positive place. Prayers answered, parenting is a hard job. I will continue to pray for you. I am so glad you are a part of the Clyde family. And what a cute son you have in your arms. shirlie

Anonymous said...

Very well said!! Zandra IS a hero!! i love the pic too!